Social Services Funding - Support for COVID-19
March 30 2020
Social Services Funding
Effective April 21, 2020, the Government of Alberta will be temporarily suspending applications for the $30 million in emergency social services funding to charities, not-for-profits and civil society organizations to support their COVID-19 response. Government has received over 600 applications. Current applications are being reviewed, and approvals for urgent requests will occur before reopening intake of applications.
Support for COVID-19
The Government of Alberta has announced that emergency funding may be available to charities or non-profits organizations to support COVID-19 response by those stakeholders in their communities. To be eligible, the support must address the social well-being of those most affected by the pandemic and the measures implemented to limit the spread of the virus. Those impacted may include seniors, individuals with chronic medical conditions, caregivers, families with children at home, and individuals with limited access to supports. For full details, please refer to the “Funding Criteria” document attached.
Lac Ste. Anne County will be accepting applications on behalf of organizations providing services throughout the County, as well as those serving the Town of Onoway, Village of Alberta Beach or any of the Summer Villages within the County boundary. Services being provided to Mayerthorpe and area can be submitted to either Lac Ste. Anne County ( or the Town of Mayerthorpe (
Although the completed “Funding Request Form” will flow through the local FCSS program, funding will be provided directly to the organization by the provincial FCSSAA (Family & Community Support Services Association of Alberta). Approvals for all funding requests will be at the discretion of the Government of Alberta.
Questions can be directed to Donna Kerr, Community Services Manager, by email or by phone 780-785-3411 (leave a message and your call will be returned).